W.A.R.M. is a sheltering program of the faith community in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. Its purpose is to provide a warm, dry, and safe place for men, women, and children to sleep during the cold weather months of November through March. If you are homeless and wishing to enter the program, please contact Social Services at 240-895-7000. All clients wishing to enter the WARM program must process through Social Services. Please do NOT contact Trinity for entrance into the WARM program. You must go through Social Services at the phone number above.

Opportunities for Individuals:

Serve as a Site Monitor; Monitors will spend the evening/night providing supervision so that the site will remain safe and secure.

Prepare a meal; you may volunteer to provide a hot dinner or breakfast for the participants any day of the week.

Assist in serving either breakfast or dinner, any day of the week. 

Serve on Trinity's WARM Leadership Team, providing guidance and direction to the program.

Clean and prepare site for our guests' arrival. 

Share a meal with WARM guests and just spend time with them as opportunity allows.