Trinity offers both pre-communion (ages 10 and up) and Confirmation (ages 12 and up) classes. Pre-communion classes and Confirmation instruction are offered as a part of the regular Sunday School curriculum for interested youth and their families. Confirmation activities, in addition to offering in-depth Bible study and introduction to Luther's Small Catechism, include adult mentoring, group building, service projects, and guidance in Christian stewardship principles. The Confirmation year climaxes with the presentation to the congregation of a project completed by each Confirmation candidate, and the Rite of Confirmation itself. The Confirmation Rite is not seen as a "graduation" to high school, but as an important step to more active church involvement as the confirmand matures. 

Regular service and fellowship events for middle and high school youth are planned throughout the year. In addition to participation in Trinity's annual WARM servant event (see photo above), high school and middle school youth are encouraged to take part in regular national and regional youth gatherings and mission trips.